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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background to the Study

A nation’s progress is largely judged by the extent of productivity it achieved within a defined period. Productivity is a function of useful economic engagement of citizens of a country. Poor economic engagement of a country’s citizens can be referred to as unemployment. Unemployment has been perceived as an economic cancer of a nation. This issue is caused by many factors of which lack of job opportunities is the paramount one. Unemployment demonstrate a high level of influence on youths which affects the society at large. When youths are unemployed, many of they become restless, frustrated, unhappy and desperate to make ends meet thereby indulging in any available means of survival that opportunity presents to them which may sometimes be negative.

The problem of unemployment is among the many issues nations and the international system are concentrated with (International Labour Organization, 2021). Unemployment affects 67.6 million young people worldwide (ILO, 2021). The global youth unemployment rate is 13.9 percent, according to a study from the International Labor Organization, a specialized body of the United Nations, and the statistics varies dramatically by location (ILO, 2021). The high percentage of global youth unemployment is partly due to a lack of job opportunities, but it also includes hurdles to entry into the labor market, such as a lack of work experience and the population's growing size (ILO, 2021).

Africa has long struggled with serious developmental difficulties. Unemployment in Africa has always been on the higher side, and it has continued to rise till date (Allwell & Samuel, 2014). Northern Africa has the highest percentage of youth unemployment, at 30%, which is more than double the global rate. Even sub-Saharan Africa and Northern America, which have low unemployment rates, saw young unemployment rates of around 9% in 2019 (Nader, 2019). These figures demonstrate the importance of assisting young people in finding and keeping jobs.

Young people make up more than a fifth of the population in places like Africa, and 95% of their job is deemed informal (Abadli, Kooli, and Otmani, 2020). In practice, this usually entails low-paying jobs with irregular hours, unknown employment status, and sometimes hazardous working conditions. In Nigeria, the problem of unemployment has become a major cause of concern. Unemployment is one of the most sensitive and troubling issues confronting contemporary Nigerian society's growth (Jhingan, 2008). Nigeria's anticipated youth unemployment rate in 2021 was over 55.00 percent (Ahmed, 2021).

A nation’s economic strength is largely determined by its workforce. According to the Nigeria Bureau of statistics (NBS, 2019), the workforce of Nigeria is largely dominated by youths between the ages of 18-55. According to Odey (2015), it is important that political and economic leaders make adequate employment provision for the uprising youth in Nigeria as the absence of useful economic engagement will lead to significant youth socio unethical activities in Nigeria. The issue of unemployment also has influence on youth socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State, South Nigeria (Abadli, Kooli, and Otmani, 2020). Unemployment has become chronic and persistent, and it is at the root of the state's youth socio unethical activities. The unemployment rate in Akwa Ibom was 27.7% in 2019  and varied significantly in the year 2020 and 2021 (Ahmed, 2021). In Akwa Ibom State, a bleak labor market situation has emerged, with many school leavers and university graduates who anticipated finding easy work stranded and turning to crime (Tanimu, 2016). Youths have resorted to crime as a means of livelihood, resulting in a slew of incidents of youth unrest in Akwa Ibom State (Abadli et al, 2020).

Murder, rape, theft, kidnapping, armed robbery, thuggery, property destruction, and heightened insecurity were among the illegal actions perpetrated by youths in the state as a result of these circumstances (Abadli et al, 2020). Youths in the state might utilize their restlessness to achieve what they want from the authorities, which can include the purposeful use of illegal activity or the threat of physical force to agitate for their demands and dissatisfactions (Abadli et al, 2020).

The rate of youth socio unethical activities in the state of Akwa Ibom gave rise to this study. The researcher seeks to investigate if socio unethical activities among youths in the state can be traced to unemployment.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Unemployment has become chronic and persistent, and it is the source of socio unethical activities among the youth in Akwa Ibom State. The Niger Delta area, which is made up of seven states:  Delta, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Edo, Rivers, and Ondo, contains vast oil and gas reserves that account for more than 80% of Nigeria's crude production and more than 70% of the country's revenue (Tanimu, 2016). The region is endowed with large and enormous natural resources, which account for around 80% of the country's budget and 70% of its GDP. Despite these enormous potentials, the region is littered with unemployed youth; according to Eboh (2009) cited in Ekwueme (2014), around 60% of Niger Delta youths are unemployed.

Consequently, the difficulty of Nigerian youths to adapt to their surroundings, their need for riches, and their desire for recognition are all issues they face which has driven them to crimes such as abduction, armed robbery, bomb assaults, thuggery, murder, property damage, heightened insecurity, and crude oil theft (bunkering).

This has led to increase in crime rate in Akwa Ibom State, hence hampering infrastructural, economic and human capital development in the state.  

 Against this backdrop, this study seeks to investigate the social ethical implications of unemployment among Nigerian youths using Akwa Ibom State as a case study.

1.3 Research Questions

The following research questions were posed in accordance with the study's objectives:

  1. What are the causes of unemployment among youths in Akwa Ibom?
  2. What are the causes of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State?
  3. What are the effects of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State?
  4. What is the relationship between unemployment and youths’ socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State?
  1. Is there a relationship between corrupt politicians practices and youths’ involvement in crime as a means of breaking their vicious circle of poverty in their families perpetuated by unemployment of the youths in Akwa Ibom State?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The study, on the other hand, was focused on achieving these precise goals:

  1. Examine the causes of unemployment among youths in Akwa Ibom.
  2. Examine the causes of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State.
  3. Examine the effects of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State.
  4. Examine the relationship between unemployment and youths’ socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State.
  5. Examine the relationship between corrupt politicians practices and youths’ involvement in crime as a means of breaking their vicious circle of poverty in their families perpetuated by unemployment of the youths in Akwa Ibom State.

1.5 Research Hypotheses

The study will test the validity of the following null hypotheses:

H01: There is no significant relationship between unemployment and youths’ socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State from 2015-2021.

H02: There is no significant relationship between corrupt politicians practices and youths’ involvement in crime as a means of breaking their vicious circle of poverty in their families perpetuated by unemployment of the youths in Akwa Ibom State from 2015-2021.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Theoretically and practically, the findings of this investigation would be meaningful. In practice, this research will contribute to empirical proof that the issue of youth socio unethical activities and unemployment in Nigeria demands a more institutionalized response. This would allow governments, donor agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other stakeholders to rethink relevant, effective, and efficient strategies for the practical reduction of youth socio unethical activities and unemployment in Akwa Ibom State.

The study would theoretically contribute to the current body of knowledge in Nigeria about the impacts of unemployment and violent crimes. Furthermore, the study will motivate future research in the field of study, as well as subsequent research for comparative and analytical reasons, as a result of the study's findings.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The scope of this study will border on  the impact of unemployment on youth socio unethical activities with reference to Akwa Ibom State covering the period of six years (2015-2021). The rationale for this chosen period was based on the rising cases of youth socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom state and the state governor’s pledge to ensure adequate provision of jobs through the civil service and also the establishment of institutions in the state that will economically engage the youths. This period is also significant as the federal government under the APC leadership declared its commitment to create more jobs for the populace.

The study will discuss the causes of unemployment among youths in Akwa Ibom, causes of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State, effects of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State, relationship between unemployment and youths’ socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State, and relationship between corrupt politicians practices and youths’ involvement in crime as a means of breaking their vicious circle of poverty in their families perpetuated by unemployment of the youths in Akwa Ibom State.

 This study will also examine the effects of youths socio unethical activities in Akwa Ibom State.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Like in every human endeavour, the researcher will encounter slight constraints while carrying out this study. The study will be limited by the sample size to be adopted and geography of covering only Akwa Ibom State. As youth socio unethical activities could connote different meaning for those in other parts of the country. Therefore findings of this study cannot be used for generalization thus creating a gap for further studies.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Unemployment: Unemployment can be defined as a situation in which people are willing to work at the prevailing rate of pay, but cannot find a job.

Youth: It is a period of your life when you are young or the state of being young. It is a phase or transition from dependence to independence. 

Crime: Crime can be defined as an act that violate the law of the society or serious offence against the law of the society for which there is severe punishment by law.

1.10 Organization of Chapters

To achieve the purpose of this research. The study will be divided into five inter-connected chapters, ranging from chapter one to five.

In chapter one, the researcher will be able to give an introduction to the work, state the problem that necessitate this study, outline the questions this work will seek to answer as well as the objectives it hopes to achieve. The scope and limitations of this study will be outlined as well as the definition of key concepts.

Chapter two will deal with literature review, gaps in literature, and theoretical framework. Chapter three will discuss the research methodology to be adopted in this study. Chapter four will further delve into the data presentation, analysis and interpretation, while chapter five will deal with the summary, conclusion and recommendations.


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